Content, content and more content.
This is what websites need. It doesn’t matter the kind of website or the industry, without new and fresh content, websites may stagnate. Most website owners don’t have the luxury of adding new content as often as they want. Whether due to lack of time or resources, there may be something that gets in the way.
Why does a company need to add content to their websites? To keep visitors and interested parties coming back for more. Many companies add a blog to their websites. This is a great way to keep the information flowing between businesses and their browsers unless, of course, the content does not continue to flow.
So, with all the content companies need to add and all the time they may not have to add it, how can companies continue to spread out into the industry? How can you spread out into the industry?
Repurpose your content
How does repurposing content help? Because it reaches a larger audience and reaches different ways of communication that you may have not thought of before. This will give your website and your company a wider recognition throughout the professional world as well as bring you further into the eyes of your potential market.
Repurposing content should have boundaries like any other process. There are good practices and bad ones. Ways you should go about it and ways to completely avoid. There is a huge difference between changing the same content around and simply spitting out the same words again while instead being able to strategically repurpose the same content to your advantage.
The number one way to NOT repurpose, is by taking your text and ‘spinning’ it. What does that mean? There are programs that will take the text that you already have and will change out the original words with synonyms to make it look like new and original content.
It is not new and original content.
The words often come out more gibberish than anything else, and why would you want to market to your audience with gabble? There are so many other ways to repurpose your already unique content, there is no need to ‘spin’ your article.
Here are five great ways to repurpose your content without the need to use spinners or other programs.
5 Ways to Repurpose
Create a live presentation: Take the same content from your text and create a presentation that you can give to an audience whether to educate them about your business or just to share with them. The difference is instead of keeping the text concise, expand on it. Present it with examples, anecdotes, comments, stories. If there is time, you can even make some handouts to give to everyone and possibly even exercises as well to interact more with the individuals.
Create a video: There are different ways to make a video. Either you can create a new video with the same content or you can film the live presentation you are offering and create a video from that. The videos may be posted to places such as YouTube, Google videos or even burned to a DVD and offered to your audience.
Create an online slide show: Making a slide show is easy with programs such as PowerPoint for a PC or Keynote for a Mac. Free software is also available from companies such as OpenOffice. Once the slide show is complete you can post it to websites like, which has been named the YouTube of slideshows. For free images and pictures, you can use websites such as
Create a podcast: Converting your content into audio is an easy process. You can use an all-in-one stop shop like AudioAcrobat, which will let you create and publish your podcast. There are sites like, where you can create your own online radio for free. If your content is interesting enough for followers, then you will have a dedicated podcasting place to share your content freely.
Add to your newsletter: Some companies already have a newsletter, and this is a great place to add your content. This will reach your already loyal audience, and you will be able to share with them. Newsletters are designed to be eye-catching and appealing to begin with so by adding interesting content, readers will enjoy your shared information.
So as it goes, content, content and more content, should it also go: content, repurpose, content, repurpose. By taking these into consideration, you will be able to find one or many that suit your company. Try one, try them all. Find something that works and keep your information flowing.
Written By Miscelleana Rhinehart
Miscelleana Rhinehart has been writing for more than four years with her experience hitting a wide range of topics. Ms. Rhinehart has written for newspapers such as the Long Beach Business Journal, magazines such as the Destinations Magazine and the Ultimate Athlete Magazine, and automotive blog sites such as MI Auto Times and the Atlantic Toyota and Huntington Blog. Holding a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and two minors in Business, Ms. Rhinehart enjoys writing about any subject, topic or information.
Currently, she writes for Nexteppe, a company helping dealerships sell Long Island Audi vehicles and more through the use of social media and web design.
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