Internet Marketing

Website E-marketing 101

Website E-marketing 101 5 Comments

Having a website is the first step in developing an e-marketing strategy for your business. But when it comes to having a website, it does take a little more than just throwing something up and hoping it will turn into cash. A website needs to attract and appeal to visitors to keep them reading on, and then perhaps you’ll get the purchase.

Think about when you are browsing the web. How many sites do you click on, look over for 10 seconds, decide that it’s not for you, and quickly click away?

I bet the number is quite a few. We all do it. And that’s why we need to understand how to create a website that captures the interests of our customers so they will stay on our site, read, engage, and ultimately buy!

It’s not as difficult as you may think and often only takes a few simple ingredients to help make the experience more pleasurable and appealing for your customers

E Marketing Plymouth

Here are a few things to think about.


1. Does your website look good?

People are stimulated visually so think about your website design and ask yourself if it appeals to your customers. A website that looks bad or doesn’t relate to your business will not get your message across or make your web visitors want to stay. Make sure you have a website that looks professional, clean and clear.


2. Is your website easy to navigate?

When people decide to stay on your website, can they find all the information they are looking for? Think about your customers and what they might look for and make it very easy for them to find it. Heaps of websites are difficult to navigate and it can be very frustrating and cause your customers to click away very quickly.


3. Is your website text easy to read?

This is very important! Having small text that is difficult to read is a big no, no. Make your text bigger, the easier it is to read, the happier your customers will be. Also is your text the right color? Having a light blue text on a white background may not be the best idea! Usually a black or dark grey text on a white background works best for the eye.


4. Do you have a way people can ask questions?

When people are going to spend money with you they sometimes have various questions they want answered before they make the buying decision. There are a few ways you can make this process easier for them. Firstly you could have a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section. This can save you time and energy in the long run if you find your customers are asking the same questions.

Secondly, you need to make sure your contact details are readily available so they can email or ring you if need be. Don’t hide your contact details somewhere they can’t find them.

Lastly, you could have a live chat option on your website. This is a great way to engage customers. When you are in front off the computer you switch it on and they can have instant contact. Now think about that for service!


4. Is your website interesting?

Does your website offer people something to engage with? Interesting images included with your text is a simple technique. A great way to get some interactivity is to include a blog on your site and try to get people to comment and join the conversation. And what about some audio and video to really get your website rocking? People love this stuff so if you get the chance, include that extra icing on the cake for that cutting edge customer appeal.


5. Do you have a way to capture leads?

One of the best e-marketing techniques that can bring you profits for years to come is to collect people’s email addresses. To do this you need to have something they are interested in, something that they feel they must have. But in order to get it they have to give you their email address.

What kind of information could you provide your customers that they need and want? It could be a guide about how to do something, a report of some kind, a resource list that will save them time. Once you have a free gift, you can set up a simple web form to capture their details, put them in a database, and then you have a list of people you can market to directly.


Your website can work well for you but only if it has the right ingredients. Keeping the above website e-marketing rules in mind will put you ahead of competitors and deliver a positive experience to your customers, and that’s what’s really important!


Written byJedha Dening

Jedha Dening is the co-founder of Internet Expressions, helping people express their businesses effectively online from website fundamentals through to advanced internet marketing strategies.

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  1. Great Post. The aesthetic aspect is very important for a web site to get the visitors involved. Moreover, social integration with facebook, twitter etc. will provide opportunity for visitors to ask questions.

  2. Sure this is very good and interesting post. I agree that if just making a website would be enough to generate reasonable cash then everyone had made a website and start earning. Earning from website requires a lot of resources in terms of efforts, time and some money.
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  3. You are right online strategies, there are definitely more emarketing strategies you can use to engage visitors such as social media and so forth. But website fundamentals are very important.

    And Yes Custom-Boxes every good thing worth investing in does take time and effort but you can outsource elements to an Internet marketing service and if you implement things step by step everything does come together eventually 🙂

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