Social Media

How to Build Your Brand On Pinterest

How to Build Your Brand On Pinterest 12 Comments

If you stay current on internet trends, then you’ve probably at least heard of Pinterest. Pinterest is the hottest new social media site and, in fact, is one of the fastest growing sites ever. It is unlike other popular social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, and is in progress to be just as big and fit comfortably among the other top sites.

Because of its popularity, many brands are setting up profiles on the site as a new way to reach their consumer audience. But, some brands have struggled with effectively using Pinterest due to it’s different form.

What is Pinterest?

First off, let’s start with the basics. Like I said, Pinterest’s form is different than other social media sites, which are more about communication with friends. Instead, Pinterest is an internet-based bulletin board, allowing users to “pin” anything they find “interest”ing to any number of boards. Whereas people might have ripped out magazine ads, articles, or pictures in the past, now they can pin and collect digital images, videos, articles, recipes, and more online.

Simple concept driving lots of traffic

The growth and popularity of Pinterest is driving traffic and increases across many sites. Because each pin is linked back to the location where it was originally found, users can easily navigate to the brand’s website. This works very well for consumer items, like clothing, where if someone pins a jacket they like, their followers and others can surf over to the brand’s website and purchase it.

So, how do you set up an effective profile on Pinterest?

Brands aren’t allowed to just simply pin their products on the site. Pinterest disallows this in the terms of service. However, other users can pin the products because they aren’t commercially motivated.

Although the easy method isn’t allowed, it is still possible to create an engaging Pinterest page with a little more creativity. I’ll tell you how.

Choose your brand’s message

Before you set up your page, you’ll want to think about what you want your Pinterest page to say. Think about who your target audience is and what they want to hear. Know that most Pinterest users are young adult women.

If you have a blog, you can use Pinterest in a similar fashion, except from a more visual angle. For example, if you have a food blog, you can obviously share your favorite new recipes and categorize them into boards by major food, by meal, or by occasion.

Chobani, the Greek yogurt brand, uses Pinterest to share recipes that feature yogurt, as well as health advice, and exercise tips. Chobani uses Pinterest more as an extension of their healthy yogurt brand.

Many boards to fit different aspects of our brand

Create pin boards that fit different parts of your brand. You’ll want to have a fair amount so that your page is deep, yet not overwhelming. Try to create boards that you can add to frequently to keep your users interested.

Interior designers have it easy when creating boards on Pinterest. For example, they can have boards to showcase well-designed rooms for each room of the house, as well as different types of products and decor.

As the saying goes: strike while the iron is hot! Pinterest is blowing up, and if you think you can set up a profile that you can consistently update, you will be able to grow your brand as Pinterest grows. Visual, informational, and high value content is what your audience will want. Give them that and you will see results.

[box]Written By August Drilling

August Drilling, from Forte Promotions, which sells promotional products, loves social media, all things Apple, and design.[/box]


  1. After I got my Pinterest account, I wasnt aware of how it can help me as a blogger but now as I obtain traffic from there, I slowly understand why. Everytime I pin something, there are some user who repin my post. It is really an awesome experience

  2. Hello August,

    I like your article on Pinterest and setting it up for branding. Although I am a marketer, one thing I don’t want to see happen on Pinterest, although I’m already starting to see it, is too much marketing promotion. In other words, “pitching.” Pinterest started out as a way for it’s audience to share what they like and it started out mainly as a platform for women. Now that it is the up and coming social platform, I would hate to see it get spoiled.

    This a re-post from a blog article I commented on about Pinterest yesterday:

    I posted an article on my blog about Pinterest in November 2011. At that point it had 2.7 million monthly users. Today, just 3 months later it has 10.4 million monthly users according to the Inside Network’s AppData tracking service. Pinterest showcases your interests by images you pin and allows you to categorize them on boards. Quite frankly it is great fun! I think it is becoming the next huge social media platform. If you have not tried it, check it out.

    One of the comments on my blog was written by Kim Castleberry. She stated, “Many bloggers (not just the mommy type) are noticing that if they take really good pictures to include with their posts, that these shots are likely to get “pinned” and bring them a respectable traffic increase. All the more reason not just to USE a picture in our posts but to TAKE a really good one!”

    As for me, I have been using Pinterest as a way to design my personal vision board. Pinterest makes it fun and easy to do. You don’t have to be an artist or photographer to benefit from this social platform. I really love Pinterest!

    Raena Lynn

  3. Raena – I agree, I don’t want to see a super commercial vibe on the site myself. I think it’s a fun way to discover new ideas and products. I think the creators had the right idea in laying out the terms and conditions for brand’s to not use Pinterest for strictly commercial reasons.

  4. Hi August,

    I just found out about Pinterest over the summer and did not really start “pinning” until recently. I had not thought of it as a social media outlet, but more a way to express my personal side. I find that there are so many “markety” places for us to talk and express ourselves as marketers, that our more personal side might not have a place to just hang out. I am very interested in cooking, photography, home design, crafts, art, quilts, houseplants, calligraphy and many things that might not belong in a marketing space. I may be wrong. Pinterest seems like a perfect place for people to get a sense of who I am at a glance.
    I do see your point though if I want to make it more professional and post pictures of all the training events we have been to, places we have traveled to, meetings we host etc. that speaks to our personal brand of being coaches/trainers in network marketing.
    Good things to think about
    Laura Morris

  5. I just started using Pinterest, I actually removed the Reddit share button from my site because of support issues on Reddit’s side. I havn’t realized a lot of traffic from this great site as of yet but I am enjoying the way its layed out. I created three boards covering the three main topics that I know (SEO, social media, network marketing) and share my content spread across those three boards. I have received some great comments on a couple and I am sure that will only grow as my followers grows.

  6. Hi August, the timing of this post is prefect for me because I just got the invite to join Pinterest. I love the concept and I think it will be a great place to share some of my favorite recipes from my blog and other sites that I love. I had no idea how popular it has become. Thanks for sharing this info 🙂

  7. I have recently add Pinterest to my online focus… But i haven’t been too focused on it… So thanks for the tips and ideas, i am getting more familiar with it and will spend some time figuring out how best I can use it!!

  8. Talk about timely, I just received an invitation to join Pinterest.

    I was not sure how to use it, so thanks for the tips.


  9. There is plenty of positive happy chatter in social spaces at the moment about Pintrest isn’t there? You know I joined as an easy way to gather up interesting stuff that I might want to refer to or refer someone else to in the future. It seem ideal for gathering and storing infographics for example! The site is extremely popular with over 10 million users. I look forward to seeing how they grow and develop 🙂

  10. Thanks for the tips. We are moving off our personal boards and setting up our branded Pinterest board for sharing American-made style today so it is very timely.

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