Internet Marketing

Facebook vs. Google: Which is the Most Effective Tool for Advertising

Facebook vs. Google: Which is the Most Effective Tool for Advertising 18 Comments

Pam Drayton is a content writer for Email Finder an email search site, as well as a freelance writer for social media, tech and gadgets.

Facebook vs. Google: Which is the Most Effective Tool for AdvertisingIt’s the war of the century that advertisers are caught in the middle of. On one corner, you have Google, the long-standing search engine that uses algorithms and keyword searches that enables virtually everyone to be able to access the information they need with just one click.

And you also have Facebook, the undisputedly most popular social media network in the entire web. Even though it was launched back in 2004, it has over 700 million users and a dozen applications and features that can aid advertisers in promoting their services.

What should you choose?

Google’s AdWords: Still relevant?

Everyone knows what Google is. In fact, it has already become a verb that is much used by people, especially those who want to find something (“Google it”). In essence, Google has penetrated the minds of users as the go-to search engine.

While Google AdWords are undoubtedly relevant, remember that your target market consist of people who are actively seeking out a particular service. In addition, you are dependent on linked keyword searches.

So if you’re looking for, say, a bakeshop in Manhattan or the nearest repair shop in your location, you can type in the keywords to search for particular areas. However, when you get to a site, there are also configured advertisements that are presented, most of which have some connection or relation to the keyword that you searched for.

With a clickable link to guide you to that website, Google AdWords allow users to check out your advertisement, and if they are interested, you reel in another buyer.

The downside here is that, since the ads are usually related to the particular information that the user is seeking, you also risk the chance of being ignored, especially if the user has a specific service in mind.

Word of mouth effect by Facebook

How many times has it happened when all you needed to do was check out your newsfeed and you’d immediately learn what is trending or what is being read by most of your friends?

The advantage of using Facebook is that you already have a large platform to work with. With millions of users who are online on a daily basis, and with the continuing popularity of Facebook, you are assured that you can hit a specific demographic that would appreciate, patronize, and promote your brand.

The only thing that you would have to do is to experiment on the type of marketing or approach that should be used on a specific audience.

When it comes to Facebook ads, there is a need to be enticed or encouraged to buy the product, since the target market is more diverse. For some, it can be a hit or miss issue. You try out a demographic or a certain group of people, show them a good reason to click on your advertisement or show them a product or service that they would want, so you can push your brand to them.

 If an advertiser is lucky, that person’s social group and contacts would catch on, and check out the advertisement as well. Sometimes, all it takes is one person to spread the brand by word of mouth—or rather in this case, by word of Facebook—and soon, your advertisement might be soaring with clicks and hits.

What works for advertising?

The choice boils down to the kind of service or product one aims to promote. As marketing mediums, both Facebook and Google have made businesses thrive left and right. But one has to remember that these businesses succeeded because of the effort of advertisers, the utility of the product, and the creativity of the execution.

Conduct research on the target market that you want to tap into. Know their demographics, background, likes, and dislikes, so you can better improve and angle your advertising to attract their interest. The medium is only as strong as the product that it is trying to advertise.

Pam Drayton is a content writer for Email Finder an email search site, as well as a freelance writer for social media, tech and gadgets.


  1. Good read, Pam. Since the world has gone social, advertisers are taking a serious look at facebook. In a world overflowing with information about products and offers, we’re increasingly turning to friends for recommendations. I agree with you, even if everyone seems to be on facebook and you want to advertise on it, you better research your target audience. In other words, you better do your homework before jumping in. The medium’s new, but the good ol’ rules still apply.

    1. Pam Drayton says:


      And I agree, although Facebook may seem like something simple enough to jump into, like anything else research is always key.

  2. I think that both have value though they offer a different set of benefits. What works for one person (or niche) isn’t necessarily going to be the best choice for another. It’s good to have options! 🙂

    1. Pam Drayton says:

      I agree, I have clients that thrive on something like Facebook but are total flops on Google. And I’ve seen all sorts of surprises in advertising on social media and google. You just never really know what niche is going to be a hit or a miss. But it’s always interesting and worth a try!

  3. Great post.

    I’m hearing a lot more people talking about the Power of Facebook advertising. It’s (at the moment) cheaper and the results are so much more intuitive.

    I think it’s worthwhile doing both and split testing to see which gives you the best return on your money.

  4. Hi Pam,

    Very enlightening article!

    I personally prefer facebook ads because of the time issues. Many people spent

    hours on facebook, while google is always a one-time visit most times.

    Goodle adwords is also strict and not exactly as friendly like it used to be.

    Whatever informs that decision.

    Excellent read! Thank you!

  5. Hi Pam,
    both can be very useful, for some people, and might not work for other, for example me. I’ve been slapped by Google,. Since then I think prefer to use Facebook, and been using it till now, and it’s also because most people now days spends more time on Facebook.

  6. Like you mentioned, it really depends on what product or service you are selling. For my resume writing business, I have tried advertising on both, and Google was much more effective in my case. In fact, Linkedin was the best site for me from and advertising perspective. I say try them all and see what works best and go from there.

  7. Hi Pam,

    thanks for sharing – this is certainly an interesting topic for me, as I plan on using both Facebook and Google to promote my book when it’s completed this year, and I’ve been wondering which will be the better investment for me. Looks like I will need to do some more research, and split-testing…

  8. Hi Pam,
    Out of the 2, my own preference is with Facebook. Adwords used to be good but it’s been such a pain nowadays. It’s just not worth the effort and money nowadays because they’re changing so much.

    Having said that, I do have friends who have made a killing with Adwords. So it might be just me 🙁

  9. As Google is a little bit more expensive. I’ve been doing more of facebook advertising and this has been working quite well for me in generating leads and building relationship with my audience.

    I might try Google ad again and split test the results am getting.

    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Pam Drayton says:

    That’s a great idea. And yes, Google is a bit expensive but if you have a good strategy from the onset, it can be beneficial.

  11. I’ve helped clients create ads for both platforms. My advice is this: work out the kinks of your offer before spending money driving traffic to it. Most people assume that the advertising medium is to blame when they don’t make sales, but the problem is really that their offer isn’t interesting.

  12. Hi Pam,
    very important to know what is the best advertisement for our niche.
    As a prosperity coach, what has worked for me is word of mouth and recommendations, does this mean that Facebook is more efficient than Google?
    And how important is SEO investment when the services we provide are heart centered services?
    I’d like to hear your opinion as I learn everyday…

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