
How To Get Started With Blogging

How To Get Started With Blogging 10 Comments

The internet has made it possible for people to work at home and earn. The beauty to earning online is that you will have more time to do whatever you want. This means more time for travelling, for your hobbies and of course for your family. There is no limit to how much you can earn, you get to set your own limits.

One way to earn online is through blogging. If you are considering starting your first blog then let me give you a few tips on how to get started with blogging.

image credit to barnett

Find a topic you are passionate about

It is hard to write about something that you are not interested in. Believe me, I’ve tried it. Writing about a topic that doesn’t interest you can be pure torture. It took me forever to finish one article. So what I did was I created another blog. This time it was about health and relaxation. Two things I was deeply passionate about. And guess what I can write an article in 20 minutes tops. The words seem to just flow.


Identify your target market.

Some people blog to express their feelings. Others do so to both express their feelings and earn online. If you belong to the latter then you have to identify your target market. Why? Because if you want to earn then you have to promote your blog to your target market. You market are the people who are most likely to be interested in your blog. The more you know about your target market the more you will be able to write about things that are relevant to them.


Fill it with relevant content.

Many bloggers fill up their blogs with nonsense. At first glance, it looks like it has a lot of content. But when you actually take the time to read them it’s just full of nonsense. In order to attract and retain readers your blog has to add value to your audience. This is one way to get their loyalty. You don’t have put in all your content in one go. Add to it gradually. You can do one post a day. The key here is to add content regularly. Don’t be too impatient and don’t focus on how much you will earn. When you love what you are doing the money will come.


Written By Amy C. Fountain

“Amy C. is an interior decoration aficionado and online marketer.  She also likes testing and trying new home and office decorating themes.  In addition to being an interior decoration hobbyist, she enjoys designing calming indoor fountains and glass art.  Amy invites you to browse her delightful collection of glass vases


  1. Many who tried blogging fail because they lack the passion and focus on the monetary gains.This article reminds them of why they are blogging in he first place.

  2. I totally agree with you, i have created quite a few blogs for clients and i always say make sure it is something you are interested in and are going to enjoy updateing regually. Its always the ones who don’t listern who comes back a few months later wanting to change their site.

  3. Blogging for me is one way to share your own insights and understanding online Perhaps, this is the reason why many people are creating their own simple blogs. And with the gathered information that you have here, I was able to understand that blogging is also considered to be an art because you are not just using your imagination but you are also using your creating something that is interesting and meaningful which you can share in public.

  4. Rufus Kagan says:

    I’ve been blogging for some time, and have recently looked into making this a great way to earn some additional income on top of my own website business. But, what I like about blogging is that I can write about virtually anything that interests me first and foremost. The money that comes in is just icing on the cake. Great read and a great article!

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